Number of Data Files / Resources 1
Updated: 16 Nov 2021
Identify the Compensation of employees (Total of the remuneration, in cash or in kind, payable by the establishment to an employee in return for work done by the latter during the accounting period, and does not include any taxes paid by Employer) in various economic activities.
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Field Value
Data Provenance The data is based on economic surveys and administrative records
Dataset Source
Format API
Created 16 Nov 2021
Last updated 16 Nov 2021
Frequency of Update on Source Annually
Frequency of Update to SDP
Expected Volume/Ingestion Cycle(Daily if Real-time)
Language Mix~Mix~Mix~Mix
State active
License notspecified
Name Description Primary Key Size Datatype Foreign Key Range of Values Language Classification
economic_activity_en The activity carried out by the establishment in the production of a good or service sold or provide to others , whether they are establishments or for family consumption, based on the (ISIC, rev 4) and that contribute by the large proportion of the value added, whenever more than one activity exist in the enterprise. No 250 nvarchar Level 1 (main economic activity) of the establishments based on (The International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, Rev. 4 (ISIC 4.0)) Mix Open
economic_activity_ar النشاط التي تزاوله المنشأة �ي انتاج سلعة او خدمة تباع أو تقدم للآخرين سواء كانوا منشآت او للاستهلاك العائلي حسب التصني� الصناعي الموحد لجميع الانشطة التنقيح الرابع ويسهم بأكبر قدر من القيمة المضا�ة �ي حالة تعدد الأنشطة داخل المؤسسة الواحدة. No 250 nvarchar الحد الأول للنشاط الاقتصادي الرئيسي للمؤسسات التي يعمل بها الأ�راد بحسب (دليل الأنشطة الاقتصادية الموحد 4.0 ISIC) Mix Open
total_labor_compensation_by_million_aed Total of the remuneration, in cash or in kind, payable by the establishment to an employee in return for work done by the latter during the accounting period, and does not include any taxes paid by Employer expressed in Million AED. No 20 numeric Mix Open
year Time reference of data No 4 numeric Mix Open

Dubai Pulse Data API

Access resource data via a web API with powerful query support.

The Data API can be accessed via the following actions of the CKAN action API.
  • Query
  • End Users will receive "API Key" and "API Secret" in two separate emails on the first time Grant of a Dataset, first Purchase of a Commercial Dataset, or Purchase of an API Package. This API Key and API Secret combination should be used to generate API token and the token will need to be included in the http headers of every API call made.

    Authentication Service to generate API token: with body 'client_id={API Key}&client_secret={API Secret}

    Read the value of "access_token" from the response of the above service and use it in the header of every API call. The obtained API token is valid for certain duration (for example 30 minutes) after which a fresh token needs to be obtained.

    Header Name : Authorization
    Value : Bearer {access_token}

  • Query Parameters
    API calls can be made for full dataset result (subject to maximum results limit) or to a subset of results. Different filters can be applied on the results. Developers can use the attributes to apply a combination of filters with and/or conditions.
  • Limiting the Response Size
    Developers can limit the number of records returned by an API call passing the "Limit" parameter in the call. The value of the "Limit" must be less than the allowed maximum limit.
  • Limiting the Attributes
    Developers can limit the API response to specific set of attributes by passing the attribute names in the API call. The example below explains how the attributes can be specified in the API call. This feature can be used in conjunction with query parameters.
  • Curl Command Sample:
    curl -X GET --header "Authorization: qMtn6xQapeouAlirfHXD7DWJFabV" ""
  • Query Samples: AND zone_id=2 OR zone_id=2
  • Record Limit Sample:
  • Record Offset Sample:
  • Record Order By Sample:
  • Attribute Limiting Sample: OR zone_id=2 &column=zone_id,line_name,location_id