
Updated: 13 Feb 2025 | Data 46
Statistics provided by the Dubai Statistics Center
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Updated: 23 Aug 2023
Registered births and deaths in health establishments under Dubai Health Authority
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dsc_birth_death-open 2023-08-23


Updated: 23 Aug 2023 DATA API
Registered births and deaths in health establishments under Dubai Health Authority
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dsc_birth_death-open-api 2023-08-23


Updated: 23 Jul 2024
Refers to number of buildings covering all geopgrapical areas in the Emirates of Dubai. Includes number of completed buildings only excluding the power plants or service buildings.
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dsc_buildings_aggregation-open 2024-07-23


Updated: 23 Jul 2024 DATA API
Refers to number of buildings covering all geopgrapical areas in the Emirates of Dubai. Includes number of completed buildings only excluding the power plants or service buildings.
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dsc_buildings_aggregation-open-api 2024-07-23


Updated: 05 Jan 2023
Construction Cost Index measures the construction cost changes of prevailing types of buildings during certain time periods within Emirate of Dubai.
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dsc_construction_cost_index_cci-open 2023-01-05


Updated: 20 Sep 2021 DATA API
Construction Cost Index measures the construction cost changes of prevailing types of buildings during certain time periods within Emirate of Dubai.
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dsc_construction_cost_index_cci-open-api 2021-09-20


Updated: 04 Feb 2025
statistical tools to calculate the changes in consumers goods and services prices, and statistical measure of inflation
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dsc_consumer_price_index-open 2025-02-04


Updated: 19 Sep 2021 DATA API
statistical tools to calculate the changes in consumers goods and services prices, and statistical measure of inflation
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dsc_consumer_price_index-open-api 2021-09-19


Updated: 15 Sep 2022
Direct Investment is a cross-border investment associated with a resident in one economy having control or significant degree of influence on the management of an enterprise that is resident in another economy.
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dsc_direct_investment-open 2022-09-15


Updated: 20 Sep 2021 DATA API
Direct Investment is a cross-border investment associated with a resident in one economy having control or significant degree of influence on the management of an enterprise that is resident in another economy.
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dsc_direct_investment-open-api 2021-09-20


Updated: 21 Nov 2022
The database about main economic variables that use to measure economic performance by activities which used international standard industrial classification of all economic activities (ISIC 4) to classify all activities of establishments
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dsc_economic_indicators-open 2022-11-21


Updated: 21 Nov 2022 DATA API
The database about main economic variables that use to measure economic performance by activities which used international standard industrial classification of all economic activities (ISIC 4) to classify all activities of establishments
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dsc_economic_indicators-open-api 2022-11-21


Updated: 13 Feb 2025
GDP at constant prices: The total value of goods and services produced within the domestic economy (production) minus the value of raw materials and other goods and services consumed during the production process (intermediate consumption) over a specified period of time, qu...
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dsc_gdp_quarterly-open 2025-02-13


Updated: 30 Nov 2023 DATA API
GDP at constant prices: The total value of goods and services produced within the domestic economy (production) minus the value of raw materials and other goods and services consumed during the production process (intermediate consumption) over a specified period of time, qu...
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dsc_gdp_quarterly-open-api 2023-11-30


Updated: 20 Nov 2024
Gross domestic product: is an aggregate measure of production equal to the sum of the gross values added of all resident institutional units engaged in production (plus any taxes, and minus any subsidies, on products not included in the value of their outputs) Gross domestic...
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dsc_gross_domestic_product_at_constant_prices-open 2024-11-20


Updated: 19 Sep 2021 DATA API
Gross domestic product: is an aggregate measure of production equal to the sum of the gross values added of all resident institutional units engaged in production (plus any taxes, and minus any subsidies, on products not included in the value of their outputs) Gross domestic...
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dsc_gross_domestic_product_at_constant_prices-open-api 2021-09-19


Updated: 20 Nov 2024
Gross domestic product: is an aggregate measure of production equal to the sum of the gross values added of all resident institutional units engaged in production (plus any taxes, and minus any subsidies, on products not included in the value of their outputs)Gross domestic ...
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dsc_gross_domestic_product_at_current_prices-open 2024-11-20


Updated: 19 Sep 2021 DATA API
Gross domestic product: is an aggregate measure of production equal to the sum of the gross values added of all resident institutional units engaged in production (plus any taxes, and minus any subsidies, on products not included in the value of their outputs)Gross domestic ...
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dsc_gross_domestic_product_at_current_prices-open-api 2021-09-19


Updated: 22 Jul 2022
Household expenditure and income survey is one of important household surveys, which monitors household expenditure on goods and services and their consumption in addition to their income during a specific period of time. This survey is one of the main sources which the plan...
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dsc_household_expenditure_survey_expenditure-open 2022-07-22


Updated: 19 Sep 2021 DATA API
Household expenditure and income survey is one of important household surveys, which monitors household expenditure on goods and services and their consumption in addition to their income during a specific period of time. This survey is one of the main sources which the plan...
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dsc_household_expenditure_survey_expenditure-open-api 2021-09-19


Updated: 22 Jul 2022
Household expenditure and income survey is one of important household surveys, which monitors household expenditure on goods and services and their consumption in addition to their income during a specific period of time. This survey is one of the main sources which the plan...
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dsc_household_expenditure_survey_income-open 2022-07-22


Updated: 19 Sep 2021 DATA API
Household expenditure and income survey is one of important household surveys, which monitors household expenditure on goods and services and their consumption in addition to their income during a specific period of time. This survey is one of the main sources which the plan...
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dsc_household_expenditure_survey_income-open-api 2021-09-19


Updated: 22 Jul 2022
The data bases includes comprehensive and integrated statistics for buildings and housing units in Dubai , Its importance lies in its being a central pillar in the overall planning and development in the emirate of Dubai. These data are also important in identifying the ur...
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dsc_housing_unit-open 2022-07-22


Updated: 19 Sep 2021 DATA API
The data bases includes comprehensive and integrated statistics for buildings and housing units in Dubai , Its importance lies in its being a central pillar in the overall planning and development in the emirate of Dubai. These data are also important in identifying the ur...
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dsc_housing_unit-open-api 2021-09-19


Updated: 23 Jul 2024
Refers to number of Housing/Residential Units covering all geopgrapical areas in the Emirates of Dubai.
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dsc_housing_units-open 2024-07-23


Updated: 23 Jul 2024 DATA API
Refers to number of Housing/Residential Units covering all geopgrapical areas in the Emirates of Dubai.
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dsc_housing_units-open-api 2024-07-23


Updated: 04 Feb 2025
Indices are one of the most economic indicators widely used in planning and economic studies, which can compare many of economics phenomena and used to identify the economic changes in countries. As well as reflect changes in the community productive and consumer sectors str...
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dsc_inflation_rate-open 2025-02-04


Updated: 21 Nov 2022 DATA API
Indices are one of the most economic indicators widely used in planning and economic studies, which can compare many of economics phenomena and used to identify the economic changes in countries. As well as reflect changes in the community productive and consumer sectors str...
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dsc_inflation_rate-open-api 2022-11-21


Updated: 15 Sep 2022
It’s a residual category for foreign investments that includes positions and transactions other than those included in direct investment or portifolio investments.
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dsc_other_foreign_investments-open 2022-09-15


Updated: 19 Sep 2021 DATA API
It’s a residual category for foreign investments that includes positions and transactions other than those included in direct investment or portifolio investments.
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dsc_other_foreign_investments-open-api 2021-09-19


Updated: 07 Aug 2024
Dubai Statistics Center (DSC) carries out estimates of the number of population permanently residing in Dubai within the geographic borders of the emirate, whether they are Emiratis or Non-Emiratis. The DSC's estimate of the real-time change in populatio
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dsc_population_by_community-open 2024-08-07


Updated: 20 Sep 2021 DATA API
Dubai Statistics Center (DSC) carries out estimates of the number of population permanently residing in Dubai within the geographic borders of the emirate, whether they are Emiratis or Non-Emiratis. The DSC's estimate of the real-time change in populatio
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dsc_population_by_community-open-api 2021-09-20


Updated: 15 Sep 2022
Portfolio Investments is defined as cross-border transactions and positions involving debt or equity securities, other than those included in direct investment.
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dsc_portfolio_investments-open 2022-09-15


Updated: 19 Sep 2021 DATA API
Portfolio Investments is defined as cross-border transactions and positions involving debt or equity securities, other than those included in direct investment.
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dsc_portfolio_investments-open-api 2021-09-19


Updated: 15 Sep 2022
The Producer price Index (PPI) measures the volume of items and services produced over time within industrial activities. The price index of the product is used to monitor changes in the prices of locally produced goods, which are treated in the markets, and the consequent s...
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dsc_producer_price_index_ppi-open 2022-09-15


Updated: 19 Sep 2021 DATA API
The Producer price Index (PPI) measures the volume of items and services produced over time within industrial activities. The price index of the product is used to monitor changes in the prices of locally produced goods, which are treated in the markets, and the consequent s...
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dsc_producer_price_index_ppi-open-api 2021-09-19


Updated: 22 Jul 2022
Enrolled students in Governmental and Private Education in the Emirate of Dubai by Education level and Gender,regardless of their place of residence.
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dsc_school_enrollment-open 2022-07-22


Updated: 09 Nov 2021 DATA API
Enrolled students in Governmental and Private Education in the Emirate of Dubai by Education level and Gender,regardless of their place of residence.
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dsc_school_enrollment-open-api 2021-11-09


Updated: 22 Jul 2022
Unemployment Rate: total unemployed individuals divided by total labour force (employed + unemployed individuals).
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dsc_unemployment_rate-open 2022-07-22


Updated: 09 Nov 2021 DATA API
Unemployment Rate: total unemployed individuals divided by total labour force (employed + unemployed individuals).
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dsc_unemployment_rate-open-api 2021-11-09


Updated: 22 Jul 2022
No. of international visitors who spend one night at least in Dubai including Air, Land & Sea Visitors, excluding United Arab Emirates residents, Local Emiratis and Aircrews & marines.
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dsc_visitors-open 2022-07-22


Updated: 09 Nov 2021 DATA API
No. of international visitors who spend one night at least in Dubai including Air, Land & Sea Visitors, excluding United Arab Emirates residents, Local Emiratis and Aircrews & marines.
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dsc_visitors-open-api 2021-11-09


Updated: 22 Jul 2022
Identify the Compensation of employees (Total of the remuneration, in cash or in kind, payable by the establishment to an employee in return for work done by the latter during the accounting period, and does not include any taxes paid by Employer) in various economic activit...
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dsc_workforce_compensation-open 2022-07-22


Updated: 16 Nov 2021 DATA API
Identify the Compensation of employees (Total of the remuneration, in cash or in kind, payable by the establishment to an employee in return for work done by the latter during the accounting period, and does not include any taxes paid by Employer) in various economic activit...
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dsc_workforce_compensation-open-api 2021-11-16


Updated: 22 Jul 2022
Refers to the total number of persons who work in the observation unit (employees receiving remuneration, working proprietors and unpaid family workers) as well as outside working persons who belong to the unit and are paid by it. It includes all persons who are on the payro...
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dsc_workforce_economic_activity-open 2022-07-22


Updated: 16 Nov 2021 DATA API
Refers to the total number of persons who work in the observation unit (employees receiving remuneration, working proprietors and unpaid family workers) as well as outside working persons who belong to the unit and are paid by it. It includes all persons who are on the payro...
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dsc_workforce_economic_activity-open-api 2021-11-16